Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Viva la Mexico!

What the fuck is a blog!!!

I suck at this, I mean look at my layout come on! I am so lazy. I like to think that when Im pregnant I will be an awesome blogger.... so lets see if that ever pans out...

Speaking of which I think im ready for babies. I love my saturday drinking nights, but lately Ive been thinking I wouldnt mind sacrifice 9 months of designated driving to have a sweet little babe (my amazing husband DD's every weekend, he never drinks his face off like I do, and I also remind him that one day I will be growing a mini him in my belly and have to sacrifice 9 months sober ((Come on dont judge me Im not an alcoholic and I know when Im preggo not drinking will be a total afterthought)) so he can drive all day everyday for the time being) Hello run on sentence, and parentheses IN parentheses....

I have three classes left until I graduate HOLY HELL I CANNOT WAIT. I am sooo lazy, so so so lazy!!! I am so over school.

I am not so over my husband though, tomorrow is our four year anniversary and I love him just as much :) He is out of town for work but he has something special planned for me on Sunday yayy!!! BUT, I was invited to go to Canton with Skinny Meg and I had to cancel that. When else does your hero invite you to actually walk around in public with her? Never?? Yea.... So hopefully she doesnt even more famous this month and need bodyguards and I can go with her next month :)

Also since my last post 600 years ago I have lost about 12 pounds, and can now run 7 miles straight... Well I know I can do more but thats all Ive done thus far. Training for a half marathon that is a little under 4 weeks away and instead of shitting my pants I am EXCITED!!! I know the day of the race I will have to poop at least 100 times because I always do when I am nervous... ANYYYYYWAY

Anyway you can find me at Tarainsd on instagram, because I left my heart in San Diego when we moved :( :( :( No really I guess I made that account when I still lived in instagram I guess I should change it, and/or on facebook at Tara Coronado because it will be another 7 years before I write another post :)


ps- Mexico was amazing and I wore a bikini! Of course I was drunk while wearing it, that always makes things easier.

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